Animal Abuse

Over a decade ago, in partnership with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), NDAA created the National Center for Prosecution of Animal Abuse to educate and train prosecutors and allied professionals on the effective handling of animal cruelty and neglect cases, including cases involving the co-occurrence of animal abuse and violence to people. The Project was born from the desire to bring greater awareness to the nature of animal maltreatment and how it can interconnect with family violence and contribute to lethality issues for victims of interpersonal violence. With growing awareness by the public to recognize and report animal abuse, combined with increased attention by the media, prosecuting attorneys need the resources to properly address incidents of animal abuse in their community and properly hold offenders accountable.

Resources and Assistance

While this project is no longer funded, NDAA retains many resources which are available to our members. Non-members are welcome to submit a request for materials, which NDAA will evaluate and determine if the item(s) can be released.

Animal Abuse Videos

Release the Hounds: Using Pre-conviction Forfeiture to Save Seized Animals from Re-victimization Animal Cruelty Crime Scene Forensic Photography Putting the LINK Puzzle All Together Building Community Partnerships to protect Animals and People The Animal Welfare Act and Working with USDA Is there HOPE? How and Why a Prosecutor should be Proactive in Combatting Animal Cruelty Can I Do That Ethical Issues when Working on Animal Cruelty Cases Collaborative Animal Cruelty Investigations Grant Writing 101 Securing Funding for Animal Care Handling the Stress of Combating Animal Abuse Intervening with Children Who Are Abusing Animals Prosecuting the Juvenile Animal Abuser Pretrial Motions The Framework for Evidence at Trial Understanding and Prosecuting Bestiality Behavioral Assessment and Rehabilitation of Animal Cruelty Victims Common Issues When Investigating and Prosecuting Animal Neglect Cases Managing Live Evidence in Animal Cruelty & Fighting Cases Cockfighting in the United States Forensic Animal Abuse Evaluations Investing and Litigating Equine Neglect Cases Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T): Savings Lives How Forensic Veterinarians Help Prosecute Animal Abuse Cases Animal Welfare Court Unique Aspects of Processing Animal Crime Scenes Blood "Sport: Investigation and Prosecution of Animal Fighting Cases Allegheny Abused Animal Relief Fund: Getting Prosecutors and Allied Professionals Involved in the Care of Seized Animal Victims Handling Community Reaction to Animal Abuse Understanding Animal Abuse NDAA Anticipating Defenses in Animal Abuse Prosecutions Combating Animal Cruelty: The Past, Present and Future Planning for a Large Scale Seizure Investigating and Litigating Puppy Mill Cases The Psychological Aspects of Maltreated Animals Foreclosure Pets The AniCare Approach for Treating Animal Abusers Therapy Animals Supporting Maltreated Children The Linkage Between Violence to Animal & People Prosecuting Animal Hoarding

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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