Deadline to apply 10-14-22
Prosecutors, Law Enforcement, Victim Advocates, Investigators, Judges, Probation and Parole Officers, Community Stakeholders, and Survivors it is time to reevaluate, post pandemic – what have we learned… what can we do differently? Equip yourself with the knowledge, tools, and resources every member of the criminal justice system and community stakeholders need to halt violence in its tracks and protect and support survivors, children and families.
Exciting News! NDAA has received a donation from the NFL Foundation for a limited number of scholarships for this course. Please fill out the application below to apply.
Scholarship includes: full course tuition to the Breaking the Cycle of Violence Conference, and one night lodging at the Hotel Republic San Diego (any additional nights will be at the attendees own expense.) Additional nights at the conference hotel can be paid onsite by the recipient, paid prior to the conference by check, or paid prior by credit card authorization.
Eligibility – Multidisciplinary
National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202
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