The Veterinarian as Expert Witness

Veterinarians play a crucial role in identifying, reporting, and testifying in animal cruelty cases. This free, 60-minute webinar, especially for veterinarians and others involved in prosecuting animal cruelty cases, will:

  • Focus on the veterinarian’s role in the investigation and criminal prosecution of animal abuse
  • Discuss laws pertaining to mandatory reporting by veterinarians
  • Give practical suggestions about what a veterinarian should do if abuse is suspected
  • Cover areas that a veterinarian typically may be called upon to testify about, such as cause of death, whether an animal felt pain, and whether an animal’s emaciated state is due to due to starvation or a chronic medical condition
  • Provide tips for prosecutors to better prepare a veterinarian to testify

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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