Additional Resources

The Roles of Trauma and Mental Health in Preventing Domestic Radicalization and Violent Extremism Examining the Effects of Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Family Doesn't Have to be Mom and Dad': An Exploration of the Meaning of Family for Care-experienced Young People Longitudinal Cohort Study: Predictive Validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth Individual/Clinical Risk Factor on Recidivism Among Mississippi Justice-Involved Youth The Interstate Compact for Juveniles Fact Sheet Positioning Mentors as Social Capital Builders Psychological First Aid Guide for Children's Advocacy Center Supervisors Building a Career After Incarceration
Resume Builder
Violent Crime Reduction Roadmap Snitching versus reporting: A qualitative analysis of barriers and facilitators to addressing safety concerns among high school students Relations Between Parental Attachment, Empathy, and Bystander Help-Seeking Preference Following Peer Aggression Immigration and School Threat?: Exploring the Significance of the Border Sources and Types of Social Supports and Their Association with Mental Health Symptoms and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults with a History of Out-of-Home Care Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Childhood Maltreatment: Effects on Offspring Mental Health Out-of-home placement, sleep problems, and later mental health and crime: A prospective investigation. Child Safety Forward Michigan Using machine learning to assess rape reports: “Signaling” words about victims' credibility that predict investigative and prosecutorial outcomes Prevalence of online sexual offenses against children in the US Child maltreatment Resources for Suicide Prevention Higher Education after Incarceration Vaping: It's not what you think Probation and Youth Justice Reform

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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