Training on Well-being for Prosecutors & Leadership

Kirsten Pabst, NDAA’s Wellbeing Task Force Chair, Missoula County Attorney, presents a workshop called Thriving Through Chaos for prosecution staff and an additional workshop for elected and appointed officials called Vibrant Leadership. Both have qualified for ethic CLE.  In her workshops, Pabst covers the basics of secondary trauma and unmanaged stress and the six domains of wellbeing, and she teaches practical neuroplasticity-based resiliency skills. In the leadership course, she offers instruction on How to Set Up a Wellbeing Program and Meeting Recruitment and Retention challenges. Pabst can tailor a presentation to meet an organization’s unique needs.

Mary Ashley, San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, NDAA’s Wellbeing Task Force Vice-Chair & Women Prosecutors’ Section Vice-Chair, presents on several topics relating to prosecutor wellness.  Mary delivers Supporting Those You Supervise; The Resilient Prosecutor: Side Effects May Include the Following; The Three P’s of Prosecutor Wellness: Peer Support Teams for Prosecutors; Legal Guidelines for Building Peer Support Teams; Lessons from the Line: Busting Myths and Building Morale. Mary is able to create curriculum and design a course to meet the needs of a prosecutor’s office, including recruitment and retention, resiliency skill building, creating a peer support team and increasing competence in the prosecutor well-being field.

Wendy L. Patrick, Deputy District Attorney, San Diego County. Wendy Patrick is a career prosecutor, a former Chair of the California State Bar Ethics Committee (COPRAC). Dr. Patrick offers many excellent presentations on a variety of topics. Wellbeing presentations include Trauma-Informed Care of Victims, Witnesses, Victim Advocates and Prosecutors; The Ethics of Wellness (1 hour ethics credit); The Bright Side of Trauma-Informed Care: Vicarious Resilience; How to Process What You Wish You Hadn’t Seen: Traumatic Exposure and Prosecutor Wellness; and When Your Office is a Courtroom.

Andrew Laue, LCSW, is a leader in secondary trauma response and prevention and the creator and facilitator of the START program Secondary Trauma Activates Resiliency (visit his Activate Resiliency website here).  Laue is a psychotherapist in private practice in Montana. In addition to the clinical work he does, he supervises 30 psychotherapists in the Western Montana region and is the chief trainer for the National Association of Social Workers Montana Chapter’s course in Clinical Supervision.  In2017, he won a National County Association award for his Secondary Trauma Group work with the Missoula County Attorney’s office. He presents interactive workshops and webinars on secondary trauma and building resiliency skills.

John Hollway, at the University of Pennsylvania, is a Senior Fellow at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center and an Associate Dean at Penn Law.  He has a particular focus on helping lawyers and legal organizations implement programs that help lawyers flourish, and experience working with prosecutors on quality improvement initiatives. John speaks and consults regularly on these issues to groups of all sizes.

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1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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