Hospitals, HIPAA, and Impaired Driving Cases

August 2024

The National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (NASID) and the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) invite you to join a webinar comprised of subject matter experts who will discuss the general legal principles behind HIPAA and the exceptions it provides for law enforcement and prosecutors conducting investigations into impaired driving cases. They will also provide helpful suggestions to develop cooperative relationships with hospital personnel to positively impact investigations while minimizing the need for them to testify in court. We hope you join us! 

Continuing legal education credits are pending approval in Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.  More information will be posted on NDAA’s website as those credits are approved.

Hospitals, HIPAA, and Impaired Driving Cases-A Guide for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors – National District Attorneys Association (

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