Juvenile Justice Publications


Building Relationships Between Youth and Law Enforcement: A National Curriculum Resources for Common Challenges for Juvenile Court Prosecutors NDAA Juvenile Prosecution Principles and Guidelines (June 2024) NDAA National Prosecution Standards, Fourth Edition (2023) - Part V, Juvenile Justice What Juvenile Court Prosecutors Need to Know About Risk Assessment Instruments
NDAA has just published an important new article on Risk Assessment Instruments in the Current Issue of Juvenile Justice Update. It's entitled, "What Juvenile Court Prosecutors Need to Know About Risk Assessment Instruments," by NDAA senior attorney Katie Jerstad, and it's available free for a limited time from our friends at Juvenile Justice Update. The link will redirect you to the website where you will be able to download the article for free.
The Adolescent Brain Development and its Significance in the Juvenile Courts
NDAA has just published an important new article on the Adolescent Brain Development and its Significance in the Juvenile Courts in the Current Issue of Juvenile Justice Update. It's entitled, "The Adolescent Brain," by NDAA senior attorney Katie Jerstad, and it's available free for a limited time from our friends at Juvenile Justice Update. The link will redirect you to the website where you will be able to download the article for free.
Juvenile Justice Update - Remembering Susan Broderick Get it Right the First Time: The Promise of the JJ System The Importance of Well-Trained and Experienced Prosecutors in Juvenile Court What’s Behind the Rise in Juvenile Carjackings? What Can We Do About It? Prosecuting Gangs in Juvenile Court Questionnaire Cross Exam Risk Assessment for All States Top Common Mistakes or Misunderstandings in Juvenile Risk Assessment Statewide Juvenile Court Prosecution Standards: Guidance from Career Prosecutors

National District Attorneys Association - Youth Leadership Council

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