Coming Soon
Designed for law enforcement officers with a wide variety of trial testimony experience, this course includes discussion and instruction on all aspects of investigation, trial preparation, and courtroom testimony in an impaired driving case. Segments of this training include:
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Coming Soon
This course is designed to address cases involving “Hardcore Drunk Drivers”, meaning those who persistently violate drunk-driving laws. Because of the unique nature of these defendants, this course will share a systematic approach for identifying, prosecuting, sentencing, supervising, and ultimately treating hardcore drunk driving (HCDD). This course discusses ignition interlocks, preventing re-offending, and more.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
Vehicular fatality cases are complex, requiring prosecutors to have a working knowledge of crash reconstruction and toxicology, as well as skills to work with expert witnesses and victims. The Lethal Weapon course is focused on assisting prosecutors to develop their knowledge and skills in trying these cases. A substantial portion of this course involves presentations on crash reconstruction, technical investigation at the scene, and toxicology. The course also provides an advanced trial advocacy component in which participants receive a case file and participate in mock trial sessions where each of them conducts every stage of the trial.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
Federal and most State law prohibits the “Masking” of convictions. Misconceptions continue to persist surrounding this statute’s mandate requiring the reporting of CDL/CMV violations and convictions and prosecutors’ discretion to negotiate these cases. Attendees will appreciate how the enforcement of this and other regulations combine to reduce injury and death by keeping unsafe commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders off the roads and assuring that each driver has one driver’s license and one complete driver’s record.
Participants will be able to:
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Prosecutors and law enforcement officers participate in interactive training classes taught by a multidisciplinary faculty. The course begins with an overview of the drug-impaired driving problem in the United States and the substantive areas of training that police officers receive to be certified as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). Learning about drug categories, signs and symptoms of drug influence, the role of the DRE in establishing impairment, and the role of toxicology in these cases will assist the prosecutor in developing methods for effectively and persuasively presenting this information in court. The course also addresses how to qualify the DRE as an expert witness in court and how to respond to common defense challenges.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
This course is designed to create a team building approach between prosecutors and law enforcement officers to aid in the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of impaired drivers. Prosecutors and law enforcement officers participate in interactive training classes taught by a multidisciplinary faculty focusing on building skills in trying an alcohol related impaired driving case. Included in the curriculum is the role of the prosecutor in both alcohol-impaired driving cases and community safety and covers standardized field sobriety tests, the pharmacology of alcohol and chemical testing. Throughout every stage of the course, participants receive direct feedback on their courtroom skills with assistance in how to compose more persuasive arguments and deliver more dynamic presentations.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
The goal of this course is to enable prosecutors and toxicologists to prepare together to effectively communicate and introduce toxicology evidence in impaired driving cases. Attendees will learn about the lifecycle of a toxicology sample, working through professional barriers, courtroom preparation, common defenses, and more.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
This course is designed to help attendees learn how to train others. Reviewing effectiveness strategies, facilitation skills, questioning skills, common problems, training aids, and more, prosecutors and other law enforcement personnel will learn how to “train the trainer”.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
This model curriculum is designed to jointly train police and prosecutors in the detection, apprehension and prosecution of alcohol and drug impaired drivers. This training is unique in two ways: (1) Experts in the fields of toxicology, optometry, prosecution and law enforcement designed and developed the curriculum; (2) Law enforcement officers and prosecutors are trained together by the experts in their respective disciplines.
The joint-training approach allows all the involved disciplines to learn from each other firsthand the challenges and difficulties the others face in impaired driving cases. This allows for greater understanding on the part of police officers as to what evidence prosecutors must have in an impaired driving case. Conversely, this training gives prosecutors the opportunity to learn to ask better questions in pretrial preparation, as well as in the courtroom.
For technical assistance or other questions, click here.
The National Traffic Law Center is proud to announce the From Roadside to Record training curriculum is now available for download. Many prosecutors, law enforcement officers, judges and clerks are unaware of the federal prohibition against Masking (49 CFR 384.226). As a result, charges against CDL holders are often improperly deferred, diverted, reduced or dismissed.
This course will improve the working knowledge of prosecutors and other stakeholders regarding the importance of the following: accurate issuance of traffic citations; capturing all pertinent license and vehicle data from the driver after an offense; prosecutor’s substantive and ethical review of the case; presentment of the case to the court without Masking, complete and accurate judgments of conviction, and the proper and timely recording of convictions. This will be done by utilizing Instructor and participant Guides, powerpoint slides, and the four From Roadside to Record videos to illustrate the responsibilities law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, clerks and state driver license agencies have in enforcing, prosecuting, and adjudicating CDL traffic stops in accordance with federal and state regulations. This training will help ensure the attendees are fully prepared to work with their state agencies to properly and fully adjudicate and record convictions to eliminate Masking and meet the FMCSA mission of “One Driver, One License, One Record.”
The course can be found here
Any Questions: Please contact Staff Attorney Aaron Ann Cole-Funfsinn
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Please reach out to Hannah Dickmyer if you would like more information on a specific topic.
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