NDAA 2023 Wellbeing Resiliency Retreat & Conference

May 17-19, 2023

Missoula, Montana
CLE: 12.75 Credits

IMPORTANT NOTICE: NDAA’s room block for the 2023 Wellbeing Retreat & Conference is full. If you are interested in attending and have not made a hotel reservation, registrants are responsible for identifying another hotel for the duration of their stay.

This unique in-person three-day event will take place in beautiful Missoula, Montana, and will offer participants opportunities to learn from experts in secondary trauma, resilience building, and peer support. If you are interested in standing up or supporting a well-being initiative in your office, this conference will give you the tools to do so. The course will provide CLE credits, teach practical skills, and offer opportunities to engage in activities in Montana’s scenic outdoors. Join us and unwind, learn, be inspired, and recharge your prosecutor battery!

Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown
200 South Pattee
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 721-8550

Looking to experience all that makes Missoula special – The Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown is your ideal place to stay! It’s gracious, park-like setting along the Clark Fork River is located in the Heart of Downtown Missoula, just steps from vibrant shopping, dining, live-music, outdoor recreation, festivals, farmer’s markets, the historic Wilma Theater, The University of Montana and much more!

Hotel Rates

$189 (Prevailing Government Rate at the Time of Stay) – Note, the room block cut-off date is Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Reservation Booking Methods:

  • Online reservation booking link
  • Reservations via phone (406) 721-8550
  • Group booking code: NDA

Rooms will be guaranteed by the guests’ major credit card or first night’s deposit. The deposit becomes non-refundable or the credit card will be charged if the guest does not arrive or cancels after 6:00pm local time on the date of arrival.

NDAA 2023 Wellbeing Retreat Rate

Member Fee


Non-Member Fee


Fees must be paid in full prior to the first day of the Wellbeing Retreat. You will not be admitted if you have an outstanding balance. 

Payments may be made by check, money order or credit card.

Make check(s) payable to NDAA, please list your invoice number on the memo line and send the payment to:

National District Attorneys Association
PO Box 1449
Maryland Heights, MO 63043-0149

For efficient processing, checks are sent to a bank lockbox.

**To obtain an invoice, please register for the course and select “check/money order” on the payment screen.

For more information on NDAA’s policies and procedures, including our Code of Conduct, please visit our Policies page.

Anticipated CLE credits will be 12.75 hours including 1.25 hours of ethics.

NDAA has applied for CLE credit in Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia based on state requirements and guidelines. All other attorneys seeking CLE credit should contact their state bar for more information. At the conclusion of the course and after completion of the electronic evaluation survey, all attendees will receive a uniform continuing education certificate that they may use to report their continuing education hours to their state bar or reporting agency. Questions regarding CLE can be sent to training@ndaajustice.org.

Prosecutors (state and local, federal, military, and tribal), law enforcement personnel, paralegals with prosecutor’s offices and other members of the prosecution team.

Please contact NDAA’s Director of Membership & Marketing, Kiona D. Gaines, at kdgaines@ndaajustice.org.

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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