National Traffic Law Center


Between the Lines Newsletter

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The National Traffic Law Center (NTLC) publishes several “Between the Lines” newsletters per year. These newsletters include case studies, summaries about U.S. Supreme Court decisions, trending traffic safety issues, and more.

For access to a similar publication, NDAA’s The Prosecutor Magazine, please email

(August 2024) Indiana’s Law Enforcement Phlebotomy Program–NTLC Interview of IN TSRP Dobbs (July 2024) HIGHly Effective Methods for Prosecuting the Cannabis-Impaired Driver–Tripp-Steiner (June 2024) CMV Search and Seizure–Turner (May 2024) Law Enforcement Phlebotomy Programs–Dobbs (April 2024) All Rise– Seitz and Deutsch (March 2024) Time for Change–NTLC Staff (March 2024 Special Edition) NDAA Bids a Fond Farewell to NTLC Director Joanne Thomka (February 2024) NASID Established by–Grondel (January 2024) A Look in Review and Another Ahead-NTLC Staff (December 2023) Operation Safe Travel–Sweden (Nov 2023) National Impaired Driving Prevention Month–NTLC Staff (October 2023) Vehicle Data Forensics and Legal Considerations–Williams (September 2023) CMV Enforcement in Small Town USA–Williams (August 2023) Sovereign Citizens–Reese and Williams (July 2023) Country Roads-How to Make the Roads of No Return A Path to Home—Amendoeira and Xia (June 2023) AAMVA CDL Resources for Prosecutors–Shea (May 2023) Utah: Leading the Way in Traffic Safety–Skeen April 2023 BTL–Technology in DWI Cases–Inman (March 2023) Not Just Traffic–When a Non-Traffic Felony Conviction Disqualifies a CDL–Truong (February 2023) Celebrating NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Partners-Fisher (January 2023) NTLC’s Year in Review and A Look Ahead (December 2022) Empowering Judges and Keeping the Roads Safe – Judge Williams-Byers (November 2022) Tennessee’s Unique Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign – Tabson & Walls (October 2022) Exigency for a Blood Draw in an Impaired Driving Case – Smith (September 2022) Real Ramifications for Masking CDL Convictions – Dobbs (August 2022) Risky-Driving Behaviors: What Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Need to Know – Saucier (July 2022) Students Against Destructive Decisions – Birt (June 2022) Improving Highway Safety by Permanently Banning Commercial Drivers Convicted of Human Trafficking – FMCSA CDL Division (May 2022) Using Data to Address Biased Policing – Barone (April 2022) Traffic Stops: Understanding and Addressing Citizens’ Concerns – Cramer (March 2022) Improving Roadway Safety by Linking DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy with the Commercial Driver’s License – FMCSA CDL and Drug and Alcohol Programs Divisions (February 2022) Steering in the Right Direction – Russo (January 2022) NTLC’s Year in Review and A Look Ahead – NTLC Staff (December 2021) DRE Post-Incident Review: Something to Consider in Cases Without a DRE – Barnes (November 2021) The Importance of Judicial Recognition of Cases Involving Commercial Drivers Licenses – Hon. Gary A. Graber (October 2021) Forensic Science Standards Development— Get Informed & Get Involved – Limoges (September 2021) The Kentucky CDL Advisory Committee and the Kentucky CDL Outreach Project – Cole-Funfsinn (August 2021) Traffic Enforcement Issues Decided by the U.S. Supreme Court – Inman (July 2021) Smart, Comprehensive Impaired Driving Enforcement – Clark, Thomka (June 2021) Operation Sober Handle: Changing Behaviors and Increasing Public Safety, One Truck Stop at a Time – Miriam Norman (May 2021) Bright Lights Ahead | What to Expect from Congress and the Biden Administration on Transportation Policy – Russo (April 2021) In Search of a Vaccine for America’s Ongoing Road Safety Epidemic – Shadel, Martin (March 2021) Traffic Safety Initiatives: Safer Roadways through CDL and CMV Enforcement – Lavalas (February 2021) and the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene Partner to Create New Resource for Toxicologists—The National Resource Toxicologist – Miles (January 2021) Impaired Driving: A New Perspective on a Perennial Problem – Robertson, Barrett, Woods-Fry, Wicklund, Vanlaar (December 2020) We Do Not Know What We Do Not Know – Camp (November 2020) Laser, Radar Can Be Admitted in Court to Convict Speeders, Without Testimony About Their Science: Ohio Supreme Court – Reese & Rease (October 2020) Use of Oral Fluid to Detect Drugged Drivers – Moore, Lindsey, Harper, Knudsen (September 2020) New and Updated Resources at the National Traffic Law Center – NTLC (August 2020) Driving Change: How the Movement for Criminal Justice Reform Impacts the Rules of the Road – Russo (July 2020) What Can We Learn from Rural US? – Inman (June 2020) Kentucky TSRP’s Adapt Training During COVID-19 with TSRP Tips of the Day – Lockridge, Cole (May 2020) CDL Enforcement and Adjudication Post-COVID-19 – Lavalas (April 2020) Jury Selection: Not part of the trial- It Is the Trial! – Garner (March 2020) Distracted Driving Laws – Turner (February 2020) If Your State Doesn’t Have a TSRP, This Is Why It Should – Abbott (January 2020) Smart Justice – Rundle, Talpins (December 2019) NTLC’s Year in Review and A Look Ahead – NTLC (November 2019) No “Second Warrant” Needed for Test Results – Geady, Inman (October 2019) Using Special Operations to Address Commercial Motor Vehicle Drugged Driving – Plummer, Hayes (September 2019) Supreme Court Decisions and Upcoming Cases Reflect Growing Need for Electronic Search Warrants in Impaired Driving Cases – Holmes, Talpins (July 2019) Mastering Masking: Why and How to Avoid Masking CDL- Holder Convictions – Earleywine (June 2019) Trafficking to Traffic: A Fentanyl Homicide Case Study – Reese (April 2019) State Masking Statute Compilation- CDL Enforcement – Howard (March 2019) Mitchell vs. Wisconsin: Another Challenge to Implied Consent | Reinventing The Prosecution of DUI’s Cases: Partnership for Safe and Sound Policies – Vélez (February 2019) Prosecutor & Toxicologist Guide to Effective Communication – Knudsen (January 2019) The Mellanby Effect: Why Impaired Individuals Should Not Be Allowed to Be Behind the Wheel – Norman (October 2018) Preparing for the Direct Examination of Toxicology Witness – Brown (July 2018) Does Addiction Impair One’s Ability to Drive? – Staudinger, Watson & Brown | Recognizing The Life Saving Power of the Drug Recognition Expert – Kimball (May 2018) Are We in a Rush to Crash?: Speeding and Fatalities – NTLC (April 2018) Michigan’s Oral Fluid Roadside Drug Testing Pilot Program Underway – Canike, Stecker (January 2018) Vehicular Assault- Causing Unintended Injury With a Motor Vehicle – Grady (August 2017) Change Happens, Reckless Ones – Kimball | The Reckless Ones – Grady (January 2017) Breath Testing for Cannabis: An Emerging Tool with Great Potential for Law Enforcement – Talpins, Holmes, Kelley-Baker, Walls, Kimball (September 2016) Autonomous Vehicles: Technology Driving Legal Change – NTLC (February 2016) U.S. Supreme Court Approves Criminalizing Breath Refusals – Lemons, Birst | Why Do We Call it an “Accident?” it’s a “Crash!” – Stecker, Gorzelewski (January 2016) Criminalizing Refusals: A Prosecutor’s “Tool” in Doubt -Brown (May 2015) Computerized Assessment and Referral System (CARS): The New Frontier in DUI Offender Assessment – Holmes (April 2015) The Significance of a Drug Recognition Expert Prosecutor in the Courtroom – Stecker (March 2015) Rodriguez v. U.S: What Is the ‘Mission’ of a Traffic Stop? – Hollenberg (February 2015) Oral Fluid in DUI Cases – Moore, Miles (January 2015) Implied Consent: No Exception to the Warrant Requirement – NTLC (July 2014) New Electronic Outline Resource to Combat Defense Experts – NTLC (June 2014) Breaking Down Navarette: 911 Tips Inherently More Reliable – Lathrop (May 2014) Discouraging the Dubious Mechanical Failure Defense – Kwasnoski (April 2014) Making the Connection: Felony Offenses and Commercial Driver License Sanctions – Shea (March 2014) Technical and Practical Aspects of Ignition Interlocks – Denton (February 2014) A New High in the Colorado Rockies – Halsor (January 2014) Uncharted Territory: The Anatomy of a Texting While Driving Vehicular Homicide Case – Jenswold (July 2013) A Different Approach: Drug Recognition Expert Mock Court Trial – Stecker (June 2013) Impaired Driving Crash Scene – Garner (May 2013) McNeeley v Missouri: What Now? – Glass (January/February 2013) Aftermath of Arizona v Gant: The Limited Effect on Search and Seizure in Vehicles – Neil (December 2012) Uncharted Territory: The Anatomy of a Texting While Driving Vehicular Homicide Case – Jenswold (December 2012) Biomarker Testing for Criminal Justice Professionals – Talpins, Neil (July/August 2012) 2012 DRE Section Awards Announced | 2012 Annual Meeting of the Governors Highway Safety Association | DRE Ambassador Awards | Karen Tarney Bookstaff Award (May/June 2012) Garmin GPS Units and Crash Investigation – Bruno (March/April 2012) National Sobriety Testing Resource Center and Drug Recognition Expert Data System – Price (January/February 2012) Prosecute the Crime; Sentence the Defendant – Inman (July/August 2011) “Unmasking CDL Convictions” – Shea (May/June 2011) Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety – Traube, Ferguson (March/April 2011) Just Like Marijuana? – Messick (January/February 2011) Ignition Interlocks: Why do we need them and what does the future hold? – Ursino (December 2010) Stimulants and Alcohol: A Dangerous Combination -Stecker (September 2010) “Questioning and Interrogations for Criminal Traffic Offenses” – Restuccia (July 2010) New Strategies to Curb Drugged Driving – DuPont, Logan, Talpins (January 2010) Build Your Ark – Camp (October 2009) The Impact of Arizona v Gant: Limiting the Scope of Automobile Searches? – Neil (December 2009) Don’t Give ‘Em a Break! – Fox (December 2008) South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program – Bachand (December 2008) A.R.I.D.E: Giving Officers the Tools they Need to Recognize Drug-Impaired Drivers – Glass (October 2008) DWI Partners in Prevention Conference – McCormack (April 2008) DWI Fatalities: The HIPPA Hurdle – Diepraam, Kugler (December 2007) MADD Revamps Court Monitoring Programs and Urges a New Look at First-Time DWI Offenders – Downes, Dewey-Kollen (October 2007) Reputation Management or What Color is Your Hat? – Wallace, Steckelberg (July 2007) Strategies in Playing “Cops & Prosecutors” – Olson (April 2007) About Alcohol Ignition Interlocks – Robertson, Vanlaar, Simpson (December 2006) Improperly Licensed Drivers: A Cause for Concern – Knight (October 2006) Serious Facts Require Serious Charges: Combating Habitual DWI Offenders Who Kill – Diepraam (July 2006) Making a Difference – In Their Communities and Across the Country – Earleywine (April 2006) Low Manpower Sobriety Checkpoints in Rural and Small Communities – Neil (December 2005) Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws, Should We? – Wallace (October 2005) A New Tool for Better DUI/DWI Offense Reports – Sobel | Going on the Offensive at Administrative License Suspension Hearings: One State’s Approach – Brophy (April 2005) Continuous Alcohol Monitoring: Supporting Supervision, Screening, and Early Intervention – Brown (January 2005) NHTSA’s Prioritizing of Prosecutors: TSRP, What Does it Mean and How Can It Help You? – Overton (April 2004) Event Data Recorders (EDR) – Recording Automotive Crash Event Data – Chidester, Cunningham (March 2004) Above and Beyond – Talpins | Selling the Obvious – Talpins (February 2004) Update on Drug-Impaired Driving – NTLC (January 2004) The Xylene Inhalant Defense: Does it Pass the Smell Test? – NTLC (October 2003) Handy Reminders When Analyzing Law Enforcement Traffic Stops – NTLC (June 2003) Ten Things Prosecutors Can Do for Stronger DUI Cases – NTLC (February 2003) Crash Reconstruction Puzzler: Can You Find the Answers To Defeat the Defense’s Expert? – NTLC (January 2003) Baste & Broil: Cross Examination Strategy for Impaired Driving Cases – NTLC (April 2002) GHB Use Increasing in DUIs – NTLC (March 2002) Mind-Mapping with Jurors: Closing Argument Technique – NTLC (February 2002) Child On Board – NTLC (January 2002) Road Rage – NTLC (December 2001) The National Traffic Law Center: Who We Are and What We Do – NTLC (November 2001) Forced Blood Draws – Admissibility of Blood Test Taken After Defendant’s Refusal – NTLC (October 2001) Saliva Test Kits: Is the Future Now – NTLC (May 2000) Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and Strict Compliance – NTLC (April 2000) Are Sniffing Flashlights Too Nosy? – NTLC (March 2000) Breath Test Challenges: The Generation – NTLC (February 2000) Admissibility in Advance – NTLC (January 2000) Drug Evaluation and Classification Program – NTLC (December 1999) The Dirt on Digital – NTLC (November 1999) The Eyes Have It – NTLC (October 1999) Credibility “Coupons” for the Witness – Kwasnoski and Gould (January 1999) Defeating Attacks on the Police Reconstructionist – Part II – Kwasnoski and Gould (December 1998) Defeating Attacks on the Police Reconstructionist – Part I – Kwasnoski and Gould (November 1998) The Vehicle Autopsy – Kwasnoski and Gould (October 1998) “It was the Car’s Fault” – Kwasnoski (January 1998) “it was the Car’s Fault” – Part I – Kwasnoski (December 1997) Cross Examination of Computer Assisted Reconstruction – Kwasnoski (November 1997) Cross Examining the Defense Accident Reconstructionist – Kwasnoski (October 1997) Preparing For Cross Examination of the Defense Reconstructionist – Kwasnoski (January 1997) No Math Is the Best Math – Kwasnoski (December 1996) Miranda and DRE – NTLC (November 1996) What Kind of Expert? – Kwasnoski (October 1996) It’s All In The Evidence – Kwasnoski (September 1996) Prosecuting the Pedestrian Fatality – Kwasnoski (April 1995) 911 Anonymous Tips – NTLC (March 1995) Evidence of Refusal to Perform FSTs Challenged – NTLC (February 1995) Double Jeopardy – State Supreme Courts Rule – NTLC (January 1995) Double Jeopardy – ALR – NTLC (March 1994) Challenges to Field Sobriety Tests – NTLC (February 1994) Mandatory Chemical Testing – NTLC (January 1994) National Traffic Law Center – Resource Clearinghouse- NTLC (April 1993) Traffic Safety Summit – II – NTLC (March 1993) APRI’s National Traffic Law Center – NTLC (February 1993) National Traffic Law Center – NTLC (January 1993) National Traffic Law Center Established – NTLC

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