NDAA Travel and Reimbursement Guides

NDAA uses SAP Concur (Concur) for booking flights and submitting expenses for reimbursement. The Project Coordinator will provide you with login information to access to the Concur system.

Pre-Course Travel Guides

First, you will need to update your travel profile in Concur. Please ensure the information on your travel profile matches the identification you will be using at the airport.

Below are instructions on how to update your travel profile and book flights through Concur.

How to update your travel profile in Concur

How to book a flight using Concur

NDAA employees traveling on a grant are required to submit a Travel Request Form and supporting documents prior to booking travel.

Post-Course Reimbursement Guides

Below are instructions on how to submit an expense report through Concur.

Adding Bank Information to Concur Profile

Reimbursement Guide



Need travel help? Contact Concur travel support provided by Blue Ribbon Travel

Business Hours: Monday – Friday 8am-5pm CT

Phone: 800-626-5309 / 952-835-2724

Email: ndaa@blueribbontravel.com (monitored during business hours only)

After-Hours Emergency Service Phone: 800-206-1485 (for assistance evenings / weekends / holidays)


Please contact the Project Coordinator assigned to your training or send an email to training@ndaajustice.org.

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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