Prosecutor Recruitment & Retention

Strengthening the Future of Prosecution

The National District Attorneys Association is committed to addressing the critical needs of recruitment and retention within the prosecution profession. Through this initiative, we aim to support offices in attracting new talent and retaining experienced prosecutors who play a vital role in the pursuit of justice.

With increasing challenges in the legal field, prosecutors’ offices face both recruitment and retention difficulties. This initiative is designed to empower offices by providing essential tools to attract the next generation of prosecutors and ensure that current staff have the support needed to thrive.


Recruitment Resources

NEW RESOURCE! I Am A Prosecutor Video

America’s prosecutors are on the front lines fighting for justice, working FOR the people. Watch, share, and download our newest video, I Am a Prosecutor, highlighting the work prosecutors do each day for the people. We encourage you to share this video with your community and at law school panels. Special thanks to DA Summer Stephan and her team at the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office.

CUSTOMIZABLE: This video was edited for extra time at the end for offices to add their own logos.

NDAA Job Fair & Job Fair Toolkits

NDAA’s annual job fair in Washington D.C. brings together justice-driven students and attorneys with prosecuting agencies from across the country. The 2025 job fair had nearly 300 qualified job seekers registered and the employer booths sold out! For offices looking to hold job fairs in their communities, we’ve developed a comprehensive Job Fair Toolkit to assist offices in attracting the best and brightest law students. This resource provides step-by-step guidance on planning and executing successful job fairs.

Prosecutor Panels at Law Schools

Offices are encouraged to engage local law schools. Orchestrating panels featuring seasoned prosecutors at local law schools offers students an unparalleled opportunity to learn more about the world of prosecution.

DA Academy for 1L Law School Students

San Diego County District Attorney’s Office has developed an engaging and impactful program targeting first year law students. The brief but impactful program offers practical and interactive experience that appeals to today’s law students.

Recruitment Fair Resources

NDAA holds an annual national job fair each winter in Washington D.C. We encourage members to sign up for booth space and also consider hosting a local or regional recruitment fair in your area.

Recruitment Resources for High School Students

Junior DA Resources

These programs, targeted at students, are designed to spark an early interest in the legal field and introduce them to the world of prosecution. By fostering community engagement, you’re building a pipeline of future legal professionals. The Junior DA program serves to introduce high school students to the role of the prosecutor.

Special thanks to Fairbanks, AK District Attorneys’ Office for sharing their Junior DA Handbook and to San Diego, CA District Attorneys’ Office for sharing their DA Academy materials.

Retention Resources

NDAA Model Stay Interview

Conducting stay interviews is a proactive practice every prosecutor’s office should take to strengthen retention and support your team. These interviews provide valuable insights into what motivates your prosecutors, what challenges they face, and what can be done to enhance their job satisfaction. By engaging in open, constructive conversations with your current staff, you can address concerns before they lead to burnout or turnover, ensuring your office remains fully staffed with experienced prosecutors who are committed to serving your community.

National Prosecutor Retention Survey

Gain valuable insights from our national prosecutor retention survey on prosecutor retention. Use this data to inform your policies and create a more supportive work environment. The messaging mini-toolkit is designed to help you share the crucial findings from the NPRS report with your communities and to advocate for the necessary support and changes needed to address these issues.

Prosecutor Well-Being

Wellbeing for prosecutors is not just important—it’s essential to the integrity and strength of our justice system. At NDAA, we’re committed to providing the tools and resources you need to thrive, both personally and professionally, because when you are supported, our communities benefit, and justice is better served.

National District Attorneys Association
1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 330
Arlington, VA 22202

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